Somewhat funny
I recommend you use Cool Edit Pro for your sound editing. it works wonders.
Somewhat funny
I recommend you use Cool Edit Pro for your sound editing. it works wonders.
thanks, maybe i'll check it out
Great Graphics.. TERRIBLE Sound
You really need to learn how to remove "Hiss" from your voice clips because it ruins the film when everyone talks like a snake. Also, tweak the Volume on those sounds as well.. that fight scene woulda been better if the sounds were all up in your face when close... (it was far away the whole time!)
Sorry for the rateing, but i think u didnt really finish the sound work.
Nice Style
This cartoon is good for the minor ones. Soo.. newgrounds does contain some stuff for kids after all. lol nice job!
I dont get how a daemon would be in a computer shop... flirting with a kid's old mom... so the kid just stabs the thing (what if it was just some human guy instead). I didnt really get the storyline, but ah well.. the animation was good and the sound was a plus.
- If you look at my profile you'll see a picture of the commercial this was loosely based on. I remember the ad really made me think that Steven and William's mom were flirting with each other, which I found creepy. (btw, in the commercial, the names William and Mrs. Lindsay were actually used.)
- I'm relied on the earlier shots to show that Steven is at least an evil being. There are a few symbols of evil about as well, look at the price of the Bell, or getting a little obscure, look closely at the pattern the screensaver is making...
- Steven's first shot (with the TVs behind him) hopefully imply there is some animosity between Steven and William.
Nice, realistic mario movie
You should combine all these together in the end. have 1 huge mario lotr style movie.
Good, but ending sucked
Heh, quite funny how much of a loser he was, but the ending sucked!! so i give this half credit.
Very Dark, Very Original!
Clocks are boreing
Why did u use clocks?? Makes it boreing..
Age 37, Male
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Joined on 9/19/03